Alright we are 1 week out from the Draft Night and with that said we have announced the KCup 2024 Captains. Please check the Roster Page for the update.
We at the KCup headquarters have strived to find a balance of Captain Skill, Geography, Good Looks and have paired these attributes with players that have 1. never been a Captain or 2. have not been a Captain in a very long time and 3. boasted that “I would be an Awesome Captain”
With the 2024 KCup hosting an impressive 6 teams we took some time and did a mock draft and have decided that the Snake Draft is most competitive with the Captains coming from the top ranks.
The Snake Draft starts with the Lowest Ranked Captain picking 1st and then it will continue in ascending order and back down again. (1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3 . . .) In theory this works out to a perfect 6.72 average team ranking until of course Friendship, Ego, Booze/Shooters, Strategic Goalie Picks and Sporting Odds comes into play. All in all it is ALWAYS a blast . . .
Captains please start your analysis now and please be at the One Eyed Jack’s Bar and Restaurant (171 Kent Street W Lindsay ON) by 7:30pm on Friday March 1st 2024 to receive your Captains Package and Draft instructions.
We have secured the Bus, the Lunch Stew is being made, the Dinner Menu Set, the Ice, Beverages and Swag secured and we are 1,000% ready for the 20th Annual KCup.
Looking forward to seeing each and everyone of you! Even Ed :-).
If you are not making the draft please ensure you let me know so we can note it in the Draft Package. However, there really is NO excuse for not being there . . .
See you soon!